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CLC World 2022 Issue 2 magazine cover

2021 CLC International World Report

You are holding something precious in your hands, the annual CLC World Report from 2021. It gives details of each of the 43 countries where CLC is ministering. You will read of some countries which grew and seized new opportunities while others continued to struggle mostly due to the pandemic. You will read of CLC’s weaknesses and of God’s faithfulness.
The Lord has again shown the CLC Fellowship that we cannot go forward in our own strength. It is only with Him and through Him that CLC is still here after 80 years.  I am reminded of 2 Corinthians 12.9: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.”
Remarkably, some of our CLC ministries have bounced back to achieve prepandemic sales, resulting in an even greater distribution of Christian literature. In this, we can see the Lord’s faithfulness as He surprises us with unexpected opportunities.
The other side of this is that some countries like Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Myanmar, Philippines, Venezuela and two Central Asia countries have really struggled. So prayer is essential. In addition, generous donors and various countries in the CLC Fellowship have stepped in to offer tangible help in this time of need.
Thank you! We are truly encouraged at the generosity we have seen displayed time and time again throughout 2021. Here we see the Lord at work as He has deepened our concern and care for each other in a time of need. That concern is genuine. It has strengthened our commitment to one another. Our core value of Fellowship has grown.
As you read and pray, be amazed at the way our dedicated staff are truly dependent upon our faithful God. We are humbled to see how He is moving globally through CLC. Bless the Lord, oh my soul. His grace is sufficient.
Gary Chamberlin
CLC International Director

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