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Welcome to the latest edition of CLC World.

Once again you will be taken around the world, reading stories from Africa, Asia, North America, South America and Europe. CLC  International has a single vision of reaching people for Jesus through literature and Christian resources, but the means of doing that vary from one country to another. You will read of great creativity in addressing serious issues of literacy in Colombia; of opportunities to witness directly to our customers; of CLC Chile able to help an immigrant family from the Venezuela crisis; of how to take books to churches and events by motorcycle; and of the many publishing projects that are taking place around the world.

Publishing has become a priority for us in recent years. We have been able to partner with a number of organisations wishing to publish their work in multiple languages. We now publish in 22 countries and in a similar number of languages.

Working with a multinational team means that we can identify needs way beyond our own borders. This has led to a number of Bible projects in recent years. The current Spanish Bible Project (see opposite page) has advanced to the point of delivery in the three countries. The most important part is still ahead of us – the distribution of the Bibles via individuals and churches to the people who really need them. Our ultimate aim is to hear of lives transformed by the impact of God’s Word.

Please do use Prayer Focus (pages 7-18) to pray for our teams around the world, some in very difficult situations. We will never achieve spiritual objectives without spiritual means. We know how to publish and distribute books; we can build websites and we can serve Christian events. However, this will only make a spiritual impact if it is supported in prayer. You have a vital role to play.

For a number of years Amanda Lutes (Canada) has done a wonderful job editing and designing CLC World. We are very grateful for her contribution. She has now handed this on to Alessandra Platania (CLC Italy). Sheena Wardrope (CLC UK) has stepped in to do a lot of the editing work and she has been compiling the Prayer Focus.

I would like to thank Jacqui Burne in New Zealand and Cindy Norman in the USA for their excellent, and rapid, proof reading. This is truly an international effort!

Neil Wardrope - CLC UK Mission Director

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