CLC International UK Logo


Whatever role people have in CLC, they will learn about and hopefully pray for the CLC ministry around the world. And they will have the blessing of meeting and working with some fantastic people.

Just as a paid church leader is no more 'spiritual' than one who receives his income 'from the Lord', CLC does not consider that employment or voluntary service is an indicator of a person's spirituality or of faith and trust in God. Likewise, the source of one's income it is not necessarily an indicator as to the sense of 'missionary call' that God has placed on a person's life. We would hope that all CLC workers are 'missionaries' (rather than Christians working in a job) and fully identify with the mission's core values.

Part time employees

PART TIME EMPLOYEES fulfil the obligations and responsibilities of their employment contract. This provides greater stability and regularity for the CLC manager. Unfortunately we cannot offer employment to everyone. We would not want to - and not everyone needs, wants or is able to be employed. Employment is the exception, not the rule.

Full time volunteers

(aka career missionaries)

The founders of CLC, Ken and Bessie Adams, felt that salaries should not be paid; rather, all available income should be ploughed back into the ministry so as to fulfil the Great Commission. Full time team members trusted God to cover their personal needs through the practical and prayerful support of churches and friends.

It may well be that as new job opportunities appear or an existing post needs filling, full time employment will not be possible. Or it may be that you sense God calling you to serve Him through CLC and step out in faith, trusting in His provision without the assured income from a salary even if employment is offered. Where the position will not be employment you will need to have some personal financial support in place to serve with CLC as a fulltime volunteer, just as you would with many other missions. Read on to learn more about our support system. It is tried and tested, and God is faithful!!

As is the case with anyone involved in a full time missionary setting, supporters need feedback and contact. Thus it is usual for our non-employed full time workers to visit and keep in touch with their supporters in order to maintain and develop their practical and prayerful interest and commitment, and to keep them abreast of how the Lord is using their "investment" of time and finance in their missionary.

Full time employees

FULL TIME EMPLOYEES are taken on as needs / situations dictate and finances allow. We recognise that, for whatever reason or circumstance, not everyone can serve the Lord full time without a guaranteed income. Life and situations are more complicated than they used to be. And sometimes the skills we need are not readily available in the voluntary sector.

We do NOT foresee the day when CLCers in the UK will all be employees. We will continue enabling people to give - be it for a particular worker or for the general support fund - just as we will continue enabling others to receive.