Ecclesiastes 3 talks about there being a time and season for everything. With this in mind, and with much regret we are informing you that the CLC Tonbridge Shop will be closing. We are thankful to Norman Nibloe for trusting CLC with the extended life of the bookshop. We are also hugely thankful to Serena and the team who have worked hard to ensure that many lives continued to be impacted by the power of Christian literature.
Due to significant financial constraints, the ministry of the shop will cease. If amongst the church community, there is someone who would like to continue the ministry in another format, CLC would really appreciate hearing from you.
The anticipated closing date is 11 May 2018. It would be great for as many of you as possible to visit the shop over these last weeks, thank the staff and also thank the Lord for all He has done through this centre over many years.
With the impending closure of the CLC Tonbridge Bookshop, our desire is still to serve you. We would like you to partner with us by signing up for our Church Partnership Program by emailing
[email protected].
We thank you for your continued support and partnership and we thank God for all He has done and all He will continue to do.
The CLC Bookshops Team