Kingsway Trust and CLC UK are thrilled to announce an intention to merge. With a passion for mission, the church and the trade, both organisations realised the Kingdom impact that they could have together was greater than what they are currently achieving.
Mat Owen of Kingsway Trust says: ‘CLC and Kingsway Trust have shared the same missional heart for many years. It’s great how God has clearly put us together and we could not be more excited about what He has planned for us in this new chapter.’
Jamie Hill of CLC continues: ‘When you find a group of people that share your heart and vision so closely, you start to dream together of what could be different and that’s what we’ll be running after.’
Over the next few months the detail will be finalised but both organisations will ensure that the service and support you have had up until now will continue, with lots of new innovation to come. Current operations will continue to be as normal with announcements of any changes to follow.
It is an exciting time to be serving the Lord together and we look forward to serving you.
Thanks for your prayers and support,
On behalf of the leadership team and trustees of CLC and Kingsway Trust.