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Bookshops with mission in mind

The Drama of Scripture - Springdale College Review (2015 CLC World 2015 - Issue 1)

Article Date: 06/02/2015 14:55:15

In ‘The Drama of Scripture', authors Bartholomew and Goheen, have taken a very fresh approach in treating the Bible as a book based on six key dramatic Acts of God in history to restore his created world back into right relationship with him.


Craig Bartholomew and Michael Goheen in their book ‘The Drama of Scripture’, have taken a very fresh approach in treating the Bible as a book based on six key dramatic Acts of God in history to restore his created world back into right relationship with him. Act 1 begins the drama with the creation of God’s kingdom in the framing of the world to be stewarded by humankind made in his image, who rebelled thus distorting a perfect creation because humanity had decided to go their own way without trusting their Creator. The six acts move on to demonstrate how the drama includes ancient Israel as God’s special people who are to represent Yahweh to the other nations, as part of God’s purpose being worked out in history to bring all peoples back into a trusting relationship with him. The context of the New Testament era is viewed through the framework that God was now seeking to restore Israel through the coming of the Messiah. Jesus developed a community of believers who through faith in him would become part of the kingdom of God. The Church also joins in with the mission of Jesus to bring all nations to faith in Christ. Act 6 of this drama is that Christ the king will return to restore all things fully and finally at the climax of salvation history.

By taking this dramatic approach to the story of Scripture the authors seek to help  their readers to put themselves into their place in the biblical story of redemption history. The people of Christ need to place themselves in God’s story today, whether they work in universities, the business world or in the ways they seek to care for the world God has created them in part to steward. Faithfulness to following God in Christ, means being congruent to the calls of Scripture to place ourselves through our faith into our own special part in the drama of salvation. The church is called to be faithful to the Christ they follow so that all peoples may have opportunities to follow him. The drama will not end until everyone’s story in the bigger picture of God’s plan  to restore creation is completed, with everyone being part of the new eternal created order — where all peoples will once more live in right relationship with God, each other and the world he has placed them in to care for.

This book offers a wonderfully straightforward approach to understanding Scripture  and each of our parts in the grand drama of salvation history. Too often it is easy to lose the big picture and the place each of us has in it. The writers’ approach to the Bible as a story and drama of God’s love to save all peoples of the earth, forms a clear understanding of the mission of God to have all peoples live under his loving care and participation in his future eternal kingdom.This book is well worth buying and reading carefully as it offers a clear and concise approach to understanding the main themes of the biblical literature.

Review by Rev. Dr. Andy R. Hardy,  Springdale College: Together in Mission

Keywords: CLC-Book-Review, CLC-International, CLC-International-UK, CLC-Bookshops, Springdale-College, Christian-Books, Theology-books, Prayer, Christian, Craig-Bartholomew, Michael-Goheen, The-Drama-of-Scripture, SPCK-Publishing
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