CLC International (UK)
Bookshops with mission in mind

2017 CLC World Issue 4  

Welcome to CLC World!

This free mission magazine enables us to share with you, our faithful supporters, current news, testimonies, as well as prayer and praise points, illustrating how we are daily impacting thousands of lives in nearly 50 countries.
Are you becoming bitter from past disappointments and hurts? Do you think it’s possible to give thanks to God despite your difficult situation, maybe even because of it? Does fear keep you from reaching out in love? What about gossip and bullying−are you part of the solution or the problem?
We all have questions we hope nobody ever asks us, especially God! When people look at you, do they think, ”They are so strange, are they for real? Surely, no one can have that much joy, peace and love in their lives.“ Maybe you think no one ‘real’ can either? If so, why not ask God to help you discover the areas in your life that are hindering you from having a full life. Remember Jesus said, I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10b) A ‘full life’ means experiencing the highs, the lows and everything in-between, knowing for certain that through it all, God will not let you go.
Whether or not you consider yourself a missionary, you are! As you read and pray through this magazine, I hope you will be inspired to hold on tight to your Heavenly Father and start swimming ‘against the tide’. If you need some inspiration, why not read Watchman Nee’s biography, Against the Tide? Let it light a fire within you to be the change people need to see!
From the Editor,  Amanda Lutes