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Prayer Focus - week 29, Monday - Uruguay

Prayer Focus - week 29, Monday - Uruguay

We are working together with all the other CLC Latin America teams in the promotion of the book, Trusting in God although Life Hurts by Jerry Bridges.  We hope to impact thousands of lives with this excellent book.

Prayer Focus - week 28, The Weekend - Panama

Prayer Focus - week 28, The Weekend - Panama

Please pray as CLC Panama looks again at getting their legal status changed from a commercial company to a charity since, in practice, CLC Panama does not have shareholders or distribute dividends like normal commercial companies, but it does pay income tax. 

Prayer Focus - week 28, Friday - Panama

Prayer Focus - week 28, Friday - Panama

A long-standing subject for prayer is the project to buy a property where we can establish a warehouse and offices. Please join the team in seeking God’s will and provision in this matter. 

Prayer Focus - week 28, Thursday - Mexico

Prayer Focus - week 28, Thursday - Mexico

Maria del Carmen and the team thank God for opportunities to share about CLC both in Mexico and internationally. Much of this is done through contacts with people who have influence through social media.

Prayer Focus - week 28, Wednesday - Mexico

Prayer Focus - week 28, Wednesday - Mexico

Please pray as the team continues to reach out into new areas of the country to introduce CLC and look for more ways to cooperate with others. Please pray for opportunities to meet with pastors in places like Morelos, Toluca, Veracruz and Zacatecas. 

Prayer Focus - week 28, Tuesday - Ecuador

Prayer Focus - week 28, Tuesday - Ecuador

We plan visit to the Amazonian area where the Huaorani people live. This is where the missionary Jim Elliot started an evangelistic work. Please pray as we take the mobile ministry, and the Thompson Bible Seminars, to needy areas of the country. 

Prayer Focus - week 28, Monday - Ecuador

Prayer Focus - week 28, Monday - Ecuador

At the time of writing, we should soon have the necessary permission to start building our new CLC property in Guayaquil. Pray in particular for good sales to help with the payments for the first phase of the construction. 

Prayer Focus - week 27, The Weekend - Colombia

Prayer Focus - week 27, The Weekend - Colombia

During 2019, CLC Colombia has plans to facilitate around 30 more Thompson Bible Seminars. Praise the Lord that between 2010 and 2018, over 19,000 people went through this training programme in Colombia.

Prayer Focus - week 27, Friday - Colombia

Prayer Focus - week 27, Friday - Colombia

Please pray for the plans to open a second bookshop in the city of Medellin. Pray too for plans to replace a number of our computers that have become obsolete.

Prayer Focus - week 27, Thursday - Chile

Prayer Focus - week 27, Thursday - Chile

At the time of writing, the bookshop in Santiago was in need of a new manager. Perhaps a new manager is already in place by the time you read this, but please pray for the bookshop and the interim, or newly appointed, manager.

Prayer Focus - week 27, Wednesday - Chile

Prayer Focus - week 27, Wednesday - Chile

CLC Chile is promoting and distributing the CLC Colombia publication, Trusting in God Although Life Hurts, by Jerry Bridges. We are also working hard to encourage bulk purchases of the Promise Bible with an emphasis on evangelism. Pray that these efforts will bless and encourage many people. 

Prayer Focus - week 27, Tuesday - Bolivia

Prayer Focus - week 27, Tuesday - Bolivia

Please pray for the CLC team that the Lord will continue to bless and guide us, give us wisdom and open up more possibilities for the distribution of Bibles and books. Pray, too, for health, strength and provision for the Padilla family who are missionaries from Venezuela. 

Prayer Focus - week 27, Monday - Bolivia

Prayer Focus - week 27, Monday - Bolivia

As we are included in the CLC project to produce affordable, evangelistic Bibles for three CLC countries, we are looking forward to receiving 5,000 copies for distribution this year. Please pray for blessing through this initiative. 

Prayer Focus - week 26, The Weekend - Thailand

Prayer Focus - week 26, The Weekend - Thailand

Don and Betsy Veldboom return to the USA at the end of this year. Currently, Amanda Intajuk is being trained to manage the shop, but please pray for suitable help and support for the shop team in order to see the ministry grow and thrive.

Prayer Focus - week 26, Friday - Thailand

Prayer Focus - week 26, Friday - Thailand

Amanda and Ken Intajuk will go to the CLC Asia Leaders’ Conference to be held in the Philippines (August 12–16) to represent CLC Thailand. This will be a new and, hopefully, very encouraging and informative experience.  Please pray for them. 

Prayer Focus - week 26, Thursday - The Philippines

Prayer Focus - week 26, Thursday - The Philippines

Please pray for opportunities to open a new bookshop and for finances to do this. Please pray also for our plans to improve, or perhaps even change, our website this year. 

Prayer Focus - week 26, Wednesday - Pakistan

Prayer Focus - week 26, Wednesday - Pakistan

Please pray for this year’s projects including printing two titles (Lee Strobel’s The Case for Faith and David Yonggi Cho’s The Fourth Dimension Vol. 2), renovating the bookshop and attending the annual Sialkot Convention with a large book table in September. 

Prayer Focus - week 26, Tuesday - Myanmar

Prayer Focus - week 26, Tuesday - Myanmar

Please pray for the busy publishing department and the new titles planned for this year, including Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages. At the time of writing, there is a need for at least one more person to help with the translation work. 

Prayer Focus - week 26, Monday - Myanmar

Prayer Focus - week 26, Monday - Myanmar

CLC Myanmar desperately needs a larger facility for a warehouse and needs to open a second bookshop in a central and accessible location in Yangon. This has been a prayer request for some time, and we continue to pray in faith for the Lord’s direction and provision in this matter. 

Prayer Focus - week 25, The Weekend - Papua New Guinea

Prayer Focus - week 25, The Weekend - Papua New Guinea

We need more compact Bibles because of the growing need in Christian and public schools because of the Religious Education classes included in most schools in Port Moresby. Please pray that CLC will have the means to supply these Bibles at an affordable price.

Prayer Focus - week 25, Friday - Papua New Guinea

Prayer Focus - week 25, Friday - Papua New Guinea

We plan to do monthly ‘mobile sales’ this year, starting with a small town two hours away from Port Moresby. Please pray that these trips will be a blessing to the people there and for the CLC ministry. 

Prayer Focus - week 25, Thursday - Korea

Prayer Focus - week 25, Thursday - Korea

Praise God for the recent ‘Proclaim 2018’. We will be hosting the four-yearly CLC International Leadership Council in Korea in May next year. We need to plan ahead and prepare for the event. Your prayers for this would be appreciated. 

Prayer Focus - week 25, Wednesday - Korea

Prayer Focus - week 25, Wednesday - Korea

In January, we held an Ancient Near East Theological Forum with Dr. John H. Walton, from Wheaton College, and other theological professors in Seoul. We had 450 guests join us for the event. Praise God for this opportunity and pray as we plan another forum later this year.

Prayer Focus - week 25, Tuesday - Japan

Prayer Focus - week 25, Tuesday - Japan

Although our staff and funds are limited, we continue the ministry and want to find ways to work more closely with other publishers and wholesalers, and to support the churches. Pray especially for our relationship with Word of Life Publishers with whom we work closely.  Please pray for encouragement and new opportunities for CLC Japan. 

Prayer Focus - week 25, Monday - Indonesia

Prayer Focus - week 25, Monday - Indonesia

Praise God for the ongoing publishing work of CLC Indonesia. This year, the book, Sit, Walk Stand, by Watchman Nee and The Bible and the Meaning of Life by Christopher Flint will be published. 

Prayer Focus - week 24, The Weekend - Indonesia

Prayer Focus - week 24, The Weekend - Indonesia

Please pray that the newly renovated bookshop will be a blessing to customers and attractive to passers-by. Praise the Lord for CLC’s presence in this country for almost 70 years, and we trust Him for the future of the work.

Prayer Focus - week 24, Friday - India

Prayer Focus - week 24, Friday - India

At the time of writing, we still need to relocate the shop in Vizag and would appreciate prayer for the ministry there. Another shop need that has been a subject for prayer for a while is our desire to have a CLC-owned bookshop in Purasawalkam, Chennai.

Prayer Focus - week 24, Thursday - India

Prayer Focus - week 24, Thursday - India

Praise the Lord for the new location for the Mathikere shop in Bangalore.  It is smaller than the previous one but better situated, and not very far from the old shop. Please pray that both our existing customers and many new ones will find us. 

Prayer Focus - week 24, Wednesday - United States

Prayer Focus - week 24, Wednesday - United States

Earlier this year, one of the two bookshops, CLC Moorestown, sadly had to close. Pray for stability for the team after a year of changes and restructuring within the staff and ministry. 

Prayer Focus - week 24, Tuesday - United States

Prayer Focus - week 24, Tuesday - United States

In 2019, we are publishing our first bi-lingual New Testament in French/English for CLC Multi-Language Media.  Please pray for this project.


Prayer Focus - week 24, Monday - Canada

Prayer Focus - week 24, Monday - Canada

Our team is ageing, especially those in management positions. We invite you to pray with us that the Lord would lead us to the right person who could take on these responsibilities and lead the mission and ministry of CLC forward in the future.